Friday, October 3, 2008

Bulma & Chichi Fusion

Contraception against marriage

"Contraception against marriage
Pope:" distorted the meaning of the union "

Duro Pope attack against all forms of contraception. According Benedict XVI contraceptives prevent the procreation of children and distort the ultimate meaning of marriage. Benedict XVI reaffirmed in a message sent to a conference on 40 years of Humanae Vitae (Paul VI's encyclical which banned birth control pills), underway in Rome. Ratzinger: "Many Catholics, however, do not follow our appeals." (From Tgcom )

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You take so many campaigns to use condoms, give sex education to young people, make them understand the importance of using contraception and protection for non-pregnant 17 years or become a father at 18 .... then comes the Pope, with his DIVINE WORD and instantly wipes out everything? Or at least it would do so ... I am absolutely convinced that the Church should not teach or propagate these things, but exactly the opposite ....


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