Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How Do You Turn Lenovo Veriface Off

How to Draw the head from all angles

The cartoon characters have to be able to turn around and look in all directions. There are three basic body poses that allow the head to look everywhere: look right, left and towards us.

If the head turns to one side, the vertical line curves in the same direction. As the head turns, the curve tends to increase.

1. Here's a head facing forward

2. The head begins to turn from one side

3. The head turns even more

4. Here is the head "profile"

To draw a head looking up or down (examples 1, 2 and 3), curve upward or below the horizontal line, while a draw for looking up and sideways (example 4), both curved lines that cross.

Another simple trick used by "Robin Hall" is this: before you start drawing your face you can make your character look in any direction you want, "pointing to" his nose in the desired direction.

So: Now apply the construction of the face using his nose to help wonder where to draw the eyes, ears and mouth.
And now we take the example of the "Pied Piper of Halmen" and let's look at his profile ...

... and the profile of our guard seen by 3 / 4:


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