Friday, May 15, 2009

Using Open Vs Closed Patella Knee Brace

Hemisphere wake up lazy! Composition of the basic form

Our brain is divided into two hemispheres:

1. the right hemisphere;
2. the left hemisphere,

connected by a white substance known as "the corpus callosum, which allows them to interact.

What we use most is the left hemisphere, also called logical-verbal or ruling that is able to categorize, classify objects and objects based on memory. He addressed these functions are:

1. read;
2. talk;
3. write;
4. think logically;
5. give names to people, objects, situations ...

... all actions that repeat continuously in a day.

The right hemisphere but has all those skills and abilities that can not have a practical application, we use infrequently and almost never by choice: Hence his laziness!

The intrinsic property of this hemisphere is intuitive, ie the possibility to get to the solution of a problem big or small it is, almost by chance: the standard bulb is turned on in the mind, gratifying experience, but not programmable.

Even more specific right hemisphere is the ability to see clearly the forms in space and the relationship between space-forms without classifying and naming. If we try to pick up a knife, we feel that the left hemisphere begins to write a series of information such as: "It 'a knife, the tip is used to make pencils, is made of iron, a knife, has the form of a parallelepiped, is long ... " . All information useful, but do not need to know how to draw.

Whether called a "knife" or "Foo" do not change the features that serve to draw it. Here comes in the right hemisphere which is instead able to see the ideal line (so called because in reality, the line does not exist: it is an abstraction of our mind that allows us to achieve the desired object) that defines the object relations of proportion between the object and its parts without giving a name. That is possesses the characteristics we need in order to properly observe and then draw.

should awaken and stimulate creating hardships active hemisphere (LH), thus allowing them to take action. Try to observe everything around us heed the voice of the left hemisphere, and allowing the right to store details, lines, shapes that can stimulate creativity.


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