Once acquired the method to implement the expression-based it is sufficient to understand how, starting from the latter, one can arrive at expressions and extremist positions. Typically simply exacerbate the movement of certain facial muscles to switch -expression based on a decidedly more "load", louder.
example below we can see all the steps from the base figure (male face front standard) up to the next expression, direct derivation of the latter.
EXPRESSION BASE - against - afflicted (from left to right)

EXPRESSION BASE - Frowned - angry

But here, in the transition to the angry frowning expression, as well as with the increasing position of the eyebrows and mouth, there is also the formation of wrinkles expression on the sides of the nose, which increases the sense of "losing control" of the typical exaggerated expressions. If we want to further exacerbate expression may have additional steps to limit the movement of facial muscles.
EXPRESSION BASE - freaking-scary - Terrified (from left to right, first above and then below)
Here is a passage normal expression - surprise - scared - terrified.
We have already seen what are the facial movements in the transition from normal to surprise. In the next steps there are other muscle movements to describe in detail step by step.
In the transition from scared amazed at the mouth opens revealing the two rows of teeth, eyes widen and his eyebrows arched, creating more expression lines on the forehead.
In step immediately after, from scared to terrified, he maxes out the possibility of movement of facial muscles involved: the wrinkles on the forehead of expression increases dramatically and is becoming more evident where they were already present, his eyes widen even more and eyebrows move as a result, while changing the inclination (assuming a pose more painful expression); mouth spreads even further revealing portions of your teeth and gums are formed more expression lines on the sides.
Ultimately, the facial expression says a lot about the character of the person who hires. A typical expression on a character gives an idea of \u200b\u200bits general nature and helps in the characterization phase, to better define the psyche and habits.
Therefore, the use of facial expressions is a tool that can also be used during "characterization" .
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